Haircare for men

Zedz only use the best in – salon and home care products. American Crew is more than just another product supplier. It’s a landmark in the history of men’s grooming.  American crew is a leading professional brand in the world and was created specifically for men. The latest and best in hair, body, shave and styling products.

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Skincare for men

Environ also offers a complete skin care solution for men that is focused on preserving and nourishing men’s skin while living in our hot and dry climate.

Zedz works with and recommends a complete and personalised Environ skin care regime for men. These products include cleansers, toners, moisturisers and anti-aging creams and gels. The Environ facial products are one of the few product ranges that uses vitamin A, a well-researched vitamin that combats ageing and sun spots.

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